




少到10个 个月



Communicate Effectively Cross-Culturally — Earn your MA in Intercultural Studies in 10 个月

我们生活在一个日益多样化的多元文化世界, 我们的许多问题往往源于文化上的误解. 在跨文化研究硕士学位, 你将获得生活所需的技能, 在瞬息万变的多元文化环境中工作或事工. 你是否从事跨文化宣教工作, 城市教会植堂, 非营利部门, 教育, 在军队或国际贸易中, 这个课程将帮助你获得文化智商. You will grasp the complexities of culture and develop skills to communicate effectively across cultures all from a gospel-centered, 基督教的世界观.

We welcome you to join us face-to-face on our beautiful campus in Columbia, 并在一学年内完成该项目. 如果你不能搬到哥伦比亚,没问题. We’ll bring the program to you in a cutting-edge, interactive online format. Each online course is 8 weeks in length and is designed to work around your schedule. You’ll study in a cohort with other students and be taught by a recognized expert in the field. 

你将学习理解文化和世界观的课程, 世界宗教, biblical theology of mission and have the option of taking specialized electives in subjects like global migration, 伊斯兰教和全球基督教的历史.  

Why Choose Columbia International University for your MA in Intercultural Studies? 

CIU started offering what became the MA in Intercultural Studies over 80 years ago. CIU's Intercultural Studies program is known around the world for preparing culturally-aware professionals. 我们的毕业生在160多个国家工作过. We continue to fine-tune the program by updating and adding new courses each year, 适应多元文化世界的变化和发展.

At CIU, you’ll study with professors who are scholars and seasoned practitioners. Our faculty have served all over the world (Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe). They’ve served as missionaries, in business, in the military and in 教育. You’ll study with faculty who have lived and continue to live what they are teaching.


The MA in Intercultural Studies provides training for those working and serving in a rapidly changing multi-cultural world. 研究生s from this program are equipped to work and serve in various spheres including:

  • 任务服务: Missionaries in cross-cultural service across the world; mission agency office support personnel; mission mobilizer.
  • 城市部:植堂, youth ministry and other ministries in urban centers in North America and around the world.
  • 教会: Mission pastors; ethnic-outreach coordinators.
  • 非营利部门: Serve in faith-based and other non-profit entities in multi-cultural contexts.
  • 难民安置为难民安置办公室或事工服务.
  • 政府服务:在美国担任外交职务.S. 海外大使馆.
  • 服兵役军中各军种的牧师.
  • 业务服务私营部门组织或跨国公司, 比如市场营销和产品开发.
  • 教育. For public and private school teachers working in multi-cultural schools in the United States or around the world. 这个项目是持续专业发展的一个很好的形式.
  • 学术生涯: Ph.D. 为大学生涯做准备, 神学院和大学水平的教学, 无论是在美国还是在国外.


Amber Peoples, CIU 2018届校友



  • ICS 5830圣经神学的使命

    You will engage in a comprehensive study of the biblical foundation for missions as it relates to the church's missionary obligation before God to the world in both word and deed. Special attention will be given to exposing you to important issues within evangelical missiology today.

  • BIB 5830圣经使命神学

    You will engage in a comprehensive study of the biblical foundation for missions as it relates to the church's missionary obligation before God to the world in both word and deed. Special attention will be given to exposing you to important issues within evangelical missiology today.

  • ICS 6024理解文化 & 世界观

    This course will enable you to understand the worldview assumptions that are foundational to a person's belief systems and behavior patterns. You will analyze the culture and worldview of an ethno-linguistic or socio-economic grouping of people from a biblical worldview perspective. 你也会考虑圣经情境化的元素.

  • INT 6920全球实习

    作为你学位的巅峰经历, you will spend a minimum of 250 hours in a context of intercultural or Muslim ministry under the supervision of a qualified mentor in the field. 你的位置, 事工计划, 现场导师必须在注册前得到指导老师的批准.

  • RES 7972论文

    建立在一个批准的论文提案, you will research and write on a topic in your field under the guidance of one faculty member who will critique your work as you proceed.

For a comprehensive list of courses related to this program visit the 学术目录.


  • 完成应用程序
  • Official transcripts for highest earned degree and any master’s degree work
  • 教会领袖推荐信
  • 申请论文(800字,打印)
  • 最小累积2.5平均绩点


SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges)


  • 跨文化的使命 
  • 城市教会植堂
  • 当地教会事工
  • 利润的工作
  • 难民安置
  • 政府服务
  • 服兵役
  • 国际业务.
  • 教育
  • 学术生涯



这个30学时的课程的学杂费约为17,000美元. Please check the tuition and fees page for the most up-to-date information. 军人身份有一定的折扣和福利, 以及我们合作伙伴组织的员工和家庭成员. Our financial aid counselors will help you determine the best way to finance this important investment in your future career earnings. 了解更多详细信息, 查看我们的经济援助页面,并选择在线学生的选项. 


If you are taking two online classes per 8-week term, then you will finish within 10 个月. 如果你每8周上一节课,那么你将在18个月内完成. 如果你在校园里, 然后每学期(秋季和春季)选修5门课程。, 让你在10个月内完成.


一年中有六个8周的学期(第1学期), 下降2, 春天1, 春季2, 夏天1, 所以你可以在8月份的任何一个开学日期开始工作, 10月, 1月, 3月, 五月或七月.


当您打开Canvas站点时, you will see that a week begins on Monday morning and ends on Saturday night at 11:59 p.m. Each week when you open the course, you will have readings, pre-recorded lectures and assignments. 大部分作业在每周三或周六晚上交. You will discuss the readings and lectures each week in online forums with your classmates and instructor. Though there are no required class meetings since students are often spread across the world in different time zones, 你的教授可能会邀请你参加一个自愿参加的Zoom会议. 你也可以通过Zoom和你的教授安排一次咨询.




对于在线学生, 没有要求一定要来学校, but we are always happy to see you for a visit or when you come for graduation.


There are a number of career paths including cross-cultural mission service, 城市教会植堂及事工, 非营利组织的工作, 难民安置, 政府服务, 教育和学术生涯.



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